February 14, 2012

Francis says

Francis the fridge would like to wish you a very happy Valentines day. We don't really do much for this hallmark holiday. The mister thinks its the worst holiday ever, so no flowers for this girl. Hope you get something pretty from your special someone today.



  1. Oh! He doesn't have to BUY you something and give into the corporation of it all to make this holiday special. I hope he does a little something for you and that you have a lovely day!

  2. I'm sick as a dog, but I'm still looking forward to Thai Takeout and curling up on the couch to watch a movie :)_

  3. Frances the fridge is pretty groovy, if you ask me. Same game plan for my husband and me, as we don't really subscribe to the Hallmark holiday either. We did text Happy V-day to each other.

  4. How cute idea in your fridge, that's a great way to leave a romantic message to your special someone :)

    Hope you had a Happy V day

  5. Your fridge is brilliant!

  6. Haha this is adorable! What a loving fridge.

    Alexandra xo


  7. I love the way your fridge looks! So adorable and actually your whole blog is adorable!
