June 19, 2012

Tune Tuesday: Lana Del Ray

Image via google

It is entirely possible that I obsessed with Lana Del Ray!Her voice is like heaven and her music is just killer.  When she sings it reminds me of getting lost on a summer day. Maybe that makes no sense to some of you and makes me sound like an LSD user, but I promise it is a feeling. 

On top of her rock star music she has a rock star style. She is channeling a band aid from Almost famous here I feel. Even though she is the rock star. I hope this song gets your Tuesday off too a soulful start. 



  1. I heart this chickadee... her snl performance almost lost me, but the album is crazy infectious, and lately I can NOT get enough of this newly leaked track, Never let you go.

    1. I love her too. Checked out the video in the link and as no surprise it is awesome!
